Cucurbita - Cushaws
Apache gaint - Pear-shaped fruits are green-striped, often with patches of brilliant orange. Flesh is firm, orange. Fruits can weigh up to 40 lbs. Collected from the San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona.
Cucurbita - maxima
Guatemalan Blue - Belongs to the Banana group of squashes, noted for their fine table quality. This selection is dark “blue” with light stripes; golden-yellow flesh is thick and firm. Fruits range up to 20 inches in length and average 5 pounds. We like to keep this one in the refrigerator after the initial cutting and continue to slice off small rings that can be either baked or roasted. 90-95 days..
Cucurbita - pepo
Mongogo Du Guatemala - (Central American origin) - A Guatemalan heirloom superb for fall decorations; The 4-lb. fruit are pumpkin-shaped with big ribs, with golden yellow and dark green-striped skin. The young fruit are good fried as summer squash, and mature fruit can be made into pies and preserves. Almost extinct in the USA but sold commercially in Europe.
Cucurbita - pepo
Table queen - (South American origin) Set the standard for Acorn squash; started the rage for small individual fall squashes. Domesticated by Native North Americans from primitive indigenous forms. Introduced by the Iowa Seed Company of Des Moines, Iowa in 1913. Petite (1 pound), furrowed, soft shelled, high quality fruits with sweet orange flesh. Excellent for baking.
Cucurbita - pepo
White bush scallop - (Central American origin) a very ancient native American heirloom grown by the northern Indians for hundreds of years, depicted by Europeans back to 1591. One of the best tasting varieties.
Cucurbita - pepo
Yellow Crookneck - (Central American origin) a yellow skinned, white-fleshed summer squash that is delicious lightly steamed An old favorite heirloom; this is one of the oldest types of squash dating back to pre-Columbus times and has been popular ever since.
Cucurbita - pepo
Chimayo calabaza - Beautiful green and white striped squash turns orange when mature. Originally from Chimayo, New Mexico, but now rarely found there (or anywhere). A grower recently commented that this squash variety was excellent when eaten raw
Cucurbita - pepo
Calabacita - Tatume - 50 days. This fabulous summer squash may not be well-known, but that is soon to change! With wonderful, creamy texture and buttery flavor, squash lovers will be happily pleased, and even squash skeptics may soon be won over. Also called tatume or calabacita, the Latin word referring to any small cucurbit, this squash is a favorite in Mexico and southern Texas. Fruits are best when picked at about 3" long. Vigorous vines to 12 feet thrive in heat, and are more drought toleratant than most squash; practically immune to squash borer insect.