Corn Salad
Mache (VIT) - also known as Lambs Lettuce; are unusual salad crops because they are very cold hardy and grow best during the autumn and winter. They can be picked outdoors between November and January when home-grown salading are distinctly rare.
Wintercress - A native to Europe it is a perennial evergreen plant introduced to America by the first sailing ships where it was used as an edible and medicinal herb for preventing scurvy. Wintercress is now found growing wild in moist areas, roadsides, stream banks and waste places, from Newfoundland to Ontario, south ward, and in some central states in the U.S.
Winter, Purslane – (aka claytonia, miners lettuce) originates from the North American coastline. It can be harvested until deep into the winter and tastes similar to Corn salad. Cold-hardy salad green with quantities of heart-shaped leaf pairs, each "wrapped" around a white-flowered stem. Hardiest of the winter salad greens, can tolerate moderate frost and can be grown all winter in mild regions or in cold greenhouses. The taste of the young leaves is wild and fresh. Suitable for multiple cuttings. Montia perfoliata is a nourishing vegetable that is rich in vitamin C.