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Capsicum annuum


Tequila sunrise (Mexican strain Central American origin) Originating from Antigua, Guatemala; the Carrot shaped 4-5" long peppers are borne on sturdy 12-16 inch plants which do not require staking; they ripen from deep green to golden-orange. Firm crunchy flesh with sweet, slightly sharp flavor when ripe.The flesh is thin, crunchy and has a sweet slightly sharp flavor when ripe. Delicious eaten fresh.


Capsicum annuum


Chimoya - Legendary, thin-walled drying type from the farming town in northern  New Mexico famous for its local chil . Uniquely complex flavor have earned this a small but faithful following. So singular that it is offered as a unique type in local markets, and was well known throughout the Southwest in the late 1800s. Heat is typically very mild. Ripens green to red, and dries a distinct deep red color. Rare and very special!e..Relatively early-maturing. Mild tasting, 3-5" long


Capsicum annuum


Jemez - Grown at Jemez Pueblo in northern New Mexico along the Rio Jemes, a tributary of the Rio Grande.  Relatively early-maturing, Medium heat. 3-4.5" long. This medium 1 to 1.5 inches wide; medium thin flesh; matures from green to red; pendant pods; green leaves; 12 to 18 inches tall; Early Season (60-70 days); Uses: Large Stuffing, Roasting, Canning/Processing;

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