Star Seed
Mission and purpose
Indigenous Seed Initiative is an unincorporated Association whose purpose is to restore and preserve the genetic vitality and differentiation within the food chain; expanding the vault of plant antiquity by storing treasures of the ancient and remote past while disseminating them to urban farmers, gardeners and rural farmers committed to the restoration of vibrant seeds. To circumvent the loss of genetic viability via Dehybridization, Hybridization, mutation breeding, Genetic engineering and GMO’s, which has resulted in an alarming increase in illnesses, genetic mutation and genetic borne disease. A Seed depository that functions through its sister affiliate Radiant foods - a Bio-organic farm that facilitates the production of seeds. Due to the current climate around seeds, not only the proliferation of GMO's, but also the expansion of hybrids that are increasingly becoming stabilized into open pollinated varieties; the need for more organizations that are dedicated to promoting and proliferating wild strains, close to wild or domesticated is imperative. It is these vibrant seeds that provide by far the greatest benefit to ecological systems and human health.
These treasures are the repositories of plant genetic variation that were explored in the annals of the ancient lineage of wild cultivation and domestication. Though a large number of farmers appear complacent by the rapid loss of plant genetics; the task of restoration of the genetic code is beyond imperative. Observation of wild species in comparison to cultivars showed distinct characteristics of wild vigor; their self-seeding and perennial nature set them apart from traditional agricultural hybrids and dehybridized (pseudo-heirloom) species. In the wake of extensive plant breeding with the intent of breeding for nutrition, void of the realization of the genetic code of edible plants brilliantly conceived within the natural order of differentiation. The genetic code is the templarte for humanity, while nature offered no substitutes, and any varieties of plants created through breeding via cross-pollination could only result in mutation. There can be no improvements upon the perfections in nature; for humility and wisdom compels one to align with her substance.
Our mission as a outreach program affiliate to Brothers Keepers - our fiscal sponsor, is to use grass roots initiatives to provide the education, video tutorials and seed supply to gardeners and small scale farmers on the imperatives of growing the diversity of genetically viable seeds and seed saving. We will highly encourage them to make these species available through a developing food network to those who rely entirely on the mutated food selections at local groceries. It is this approach that will bring to urban and rural communities the highest quality foods. Our goal is not to have our supporters dependent on us for seeds, we strongly encourage those who purchase seeds to save them. We want to provide gardeners with resources and instructional videos to assist them with the process themselves. There are other ancient indigenous varieties that have been intelligently preserved over millenniums, and this is the gene pool that we will continue to explore in the years to come.
Preserving the past, planting the future
Life initially emerged as single cell and single strand RNA species; the nucleus of the infamous seamoss is haploid and has one strand of chromosomes; these single celled species differentiated into multi-cellular - double strand (diploid) DNA which became the original vascular forms of edible plant-food on the coastal terrains around the earth. The naturally occurring diploid species, as well as the naturally occurring hybridization of Wild species is far distinct from the self-induced hybridization facilitated by man; these polyploid species emerged from plant breeding via cross-pollination; they are the foods of today that comprise plant varieties with enlarged (gigantism) and multiple (polyploid) sets of chromosomes genetically classified as tri, tetra, hexa, octa and decaploids; a process of Mutation – the unrepairable genetic damage to DNA. The Wild plant species maintain their original double- strand form throughout millenniums via differentiation.
The original single celled organisms – Bacteria and Blue green algae (cyanobacteria) are Prokaryotes – organism’s initially comprising RNA prior to DNA, yet carry the entire genetic material that birthed all life forms into fruition; they are likened to Embryonic Stem cells that continually become specialized and bring another life into form. When DNA is damaged (mutation) via replication, vital genes are lost, never reproduced. This process occurs through plant breeding and selection. The expression of genes is also determined by nutrition; when certain nutritional substances are not made available to plants, certain genes go unexpressed and alter DNA expression.The brix (sugar translocation) levels of plant leaves of wild and indigenous species show resilient numbers, and are a direct reflection of the plants Electro-magnetic frequency which resonates in an infrared zone of radiance. The predatory species in the ecology have an infrared zone that resonates with mutation and deficiency. The nutritional substance of wild and indigenous food is unparalleled in comparison to today’s pseudo heirlooms and plant bred open pollinated species; walking within the footsteps of nature while negating perspective and methodologies.
Seed preservation is so imperative to the continual engagement of the necessity of agriculture;the reason we sought after species that still possessed the wild vigor of self-seeding and perennial character. We are still exploring more indigenous species that still remain in the wild; and also those that have been carried down through time, and in catalogs. The art of seed saving requires basics of botany, plant morphology and plant genetics, it gives you the basic understanding of self-pollinated, insect pollinated and wind pollinated plants, as well as imperfect and perfect flowers and many other plant characteristics. The substance of wild and indigenous species is revitalized by soil tailor made for Vibrant seed development; a soil with the full diversity of biology – microbes and the larger sized fauna that inhabit the above ground sphere. Its imperative that a strong feminine presence partake in harvesting the seeds during key periods of seed collecting; it compliments the Masculine aspect of the life cycle that seeds carry into their 8th phase. We see it imperative to not only preserve seeds but to also create a surplus supply, to offer to farmers, urban gardeners and others who see their intrinsic worth.
Seed Selection
There’s not an exact date on the historical backgrounds of some of the varieties, but according to the culture of their origins we are sure that 90% were grown prior to the 1700s and many were cultivated during and before antiquity (centuries to millenniums). There’s not a cultivated vegetable food that is indigenous to North America, but there are wild species harvested along the northern shores of Lake Superior; all Vegetable species grown today are originally from other parts of the world. Many are from Central and South America, and some are from Africa, Asia, Europe and other areas in the east. Most of the standard varieties are either F-1 hybrids, hybrids dehybridized through selection and plant breeding, genetically altered-engineered and/or mutation bred. Even the standard varieties that are offered for organic seed are dehybridized mutants.The cross pollinated varieties have more vigor than the later; this process is facilitated by nature (wind, insects); of course this process applies to some of the commercial standard varieties of today.
The Herbs that possess the highest vibration for healing and revitalization are of the Nutritive category; they have a diploid chromosome arrangement unlike any other human influenced plant food on land.The original haploid species and the differentiated diploid species are the real Electric foods that are vaguely mentioned today. Wild plant species possess the inherent substance to revitalize human Adult and progenitor stem cells, which facilitate the rebuilding of cells, tissue, tendons, cartilage, organs and bone structure. Scientific interest in adult stem cells is centered on their ability to divide or self-renew indefinitely, and generate all the cell types of the organ from which they originate; potentially regenerating the entire organ from a few cells. Wild plants are species that predate Agriculture; they are the original food wild crafted along with wild fruits and sea vegetation during the ancient past. We will give you a glimpse of names and appearance of those that are perennial (self-regenerative from the root) and self seeding (self-regenerative from the seed). We carry a listing of indigenous, wild, pre-heirloom and a few heirloom classics; the wild and indigenous species show strong resemblance to their original forms.
The opening of Pandora’s Box
The threat to food security has been mistakenly placed only in the hands of GMO’s without viewing the full spectrum of plant seed mutations, which entails the insertion of a modified organism within its DNA material; species which would not take form in progressive Eco-systems. The unlocking of chemical bonds brought forth the advent of Radiation through hydrogen atomic power, the most lethal substance known and has since 1930 been utilized as a form of nuclear Mutation Breeding that significantly damages DNA material, making it radioactive and unstable in nature, the most significant and unknown threat to Food Security. Mutation breeding is the process of exposing seeds to chemicals or radiation in order to generate mutants with desirable traits to be bred with other cultivars. Plants created using mutagenesis are sometimes called mutagenic plants or mutagenic seeds.
From 1930–2007 more than 2540 mutagenic plant varietals have been released [1] that have been derived either as direct mutants (70%) or from their progeny (30%). [2] Crop plants account for 75% of released mutagenic species with the remaining 25% ornamentals or decorative plants.[ Mutation breeding is commonly used to produce traits in crops such as larger seeds, new colors, or sweeter fruits, that either cannot be found in nature or have been lost during evolution. In the debate over Genetically Modified foods (GMO), the use of transgenic processes is often compared and contrasted with mutagenic processes. While the abundance and variation of transgenic organisms in human food systems, and their effect on agricultural biodiversity, ecosystem health and human health is somewhat well documented, mutagenic plants and their role on human food systems is less well known, with one journalist writing "Though poorly known, radiation breeding has produced thousands of mutants and a sizable fraction of the world’s crops...including varieties of rice, wheat, barley, pears, peas, cotton, peppermint, sunflowers, peanuts, grapefruit, sesame, bananas, cassava and sorghum.
Mutagenic varieties tend to be made freely available for plant breeding, in contrast to many commercial plant varieties or germplasm that increasingly have restrictions on their use such as terms of use, patents and proposed Genetic user restriction technologies and other intellectual property regimes and modes of enforcement. Unlike genetically modified crops, which typically involve the insertion of one or two target genes, plants developed via mutagenic processes with random, multiple and unspecific genetic changes have been discussed as a concern but are not prohibited by U.S. or other country organic standards. Somewhat controversially, several organic food and seed companies promote and sell certified organic products that were developed using both chemical and nuclear mutagenesis. Several certified organic brands, whose companies support strict labeling or outright bans on GMO-crops, market their use of branded wheat and other varietal strains which were derived from mutagenic processes without any reference to this genetic manipulation. These organic products range from mutagenic barley and wheat ingredient used in organic beers[13] to mutagenic varieties of grapefruits sold directly to consumers as organic.
The threat to food security is not just from GMO's
There are other ways corporations are affecting our food supply other than through GMO's; genetically engineered (GE) seeds, Hybrids, Mutation breeding, plant breeding, pseudo-heirlooms - Dehybridization are very impactful to genetic viability with their mutant characteristics. Genetic Engineering inhibits seed development of a species that allows it to pass down genetic reproductive capability; this considerably compromises the viability of its nutritive substance. The most popular tropical fruits (pineapples, bananas, seedless grapes, seedless watermelon, seedless oranges, lemons, and grapefruits) are by-products of Genetic Engineering. Hybrids are varieties of the same species that are breed-crossed in order to create certain desired characteristics known as a F-1, at the compromise of genetic expression, diversity, nutrition and seed saving. It simply is a process of removing - breeding out valuable genetic material thus making a plant susceptible to disease and pathogens. Plants are more uniform in growth, production and appearance.
Dehybridization occurs when a selected Hybrid offspring (f-1) becomes a stabilized open – pollinated cultivar, by selecting seeds from the same offspring for 5 or more successive planting seasons in order to create desired characteristics at the compromise of genetic expression, diversity and nutrition. The end result is an open pollinated hybrid created simply by a process of removing - breeding out all its genetic material thus making a plant susceptible to disease and pathogens. Most of the so-called Heirlooms are actually pseudo-heirlooms created through this process. Mutation Breeding is the process of exposing seeds to chemicals or radiation in order to generate mutants with desirable traits to be bred with other cultivars. Plants created using mutagenesis are sometimes called mutagenic plants or mutagenic seeds.
From 1930–2014 more than 3200 mutagenic plant varieties have been released that have been derived either as direct mutants (70%) or from their progeny (30%). Crop plants account for 75% of released mutagenic species.Unlike genetically modified crops, which typically involve the insertion of one or two target genes, plants developed via mutagenic processes with random, multiple and unspecific genetic changes have been discussed as a concern but are not prohibited by U.S. or other country organic standards. Somewhat controversially, several organic food and seed companies promote and sell certified organic products that were developed using both chemical and nuclear mutagenesis. Several certified organic brands, whose companies support strict labeling or outright bans on GMO crops, market their use of branded wheat and other varietal strains which were derived from mutagenic processes without any reference to this genetic manipulation.
Optimal soil + Vibrant seed = Radiant food
Within the ecological expression of nature, the North American continent is made up of forest, grassland, mountains and small tracts of swamp, everglades and marshes; none of which are conducive to natural vegetative agricultural growth; so Bio-organic principles are implemented to tailor design the soil to fit the profile for farming. The wild vegetative growth of fruits and green leafy plants are inadequate for maintaining the geographical population at hand; therefore a supplemental science had to be introduced. At this stage in human existence Agriculture is a necessary endeavor, for it compensates (supplies) the un-natural demand called upon by the present day over population of humans throughout the entire earth. In ecology there’s a natural check and balance system that naturally sustains each plant specie and organism on earth; through human intervention this balance is gradually altered. It’s imperative for agriculture to be ecologically based, for it assures a delicate balance that has an affinity for progression.
When plant species are genetically inadequate they’re phased out of existence by specific predators that detect their electro-magnetic frequency of mutation. This is a key principal of Bio-organic farming; cultivating radiant plants with optimal frequency, indicating to predators that they’re a necessary component within the ecology. Optimal plants conduct radiant energy and are a continual part of the eco-system. Observation of edible wild plant species will show clearly that they are not the host of any predatory insects, and are therefore optimally designed for humans and/or animals (herbivore, omnivore); for every natural plant specie has a unique purpose (intent) and various aspects (characteristics). In organic farming, there does not exist adequate organic seed supply to allow the organic farmers 100% use of organic seeds; therefore many organic farmers use mostly conventional seeds; also some of the varieties are very modern (hybrids breed in America from the heirloom varieties of their native origin), and the others are heirlooms that were de-hybridized into open-pollinated varieties. This creates one of the same issues that exist in conventional farming practices, the use of mutant seed quality and varieties.
The use of organically grown seed was just recently recommended for use in the updated Organic guidelines in 2005. Bio-organic principles not only require vibrant seed, but improve upon the organic standards with its unique seed selection and soil revitalization. The mandatory implementation of a seed bank with the understanding of the chromosome arrangements of plants; while being assured of the adequate plant population required to pass down the complete genetic traits of each specie. Genetic vitality is the key component to radiant food, and then optimal soil.The DNA of wild and indigenous food creates certain molecular patterns (DNA strands) empowering them to radiate a more complexed frequency than conventional plants grown in the same soil. These plants are capable of harnessing a higher pranic energy level from the soil, organisms and atmosphere. They have a more defined symbiotic relationship with the microbes within soil, allowing them to capture more energy within the rhizosphere (area directly surrounding the plant roots). A close observation of wild plant species (weeds and grass) that inhabit a soil prior to cultivation of land is a direct indication of the biological, chemical and physical character of that soil system.